Lathrop First Christian Church
Disciples of Christ

Connecting Churches to Children in Need
CarePortal has been around for several years and in 2019 came to Clinton County.
Our congregation was one of the inaugural churches to step up and join with CarePortal.
Through CarePortal, churches are connected with the
Division of Family Service social workers as well as school counselors
to ensure that children get the care they need, whether that be with their family
of origin, in a foster-home, an adoptive home, or an age-out program.
CarePortal is not about sending money to missionaries,
it is about us being missionaries.
This is just one way our congregation can live out our faith.
As James tells us "Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after
orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
(James 1:27, CSB).
Please, watch the videos below, to learn more about the program and how you can be involved.
Click below for a video on
CarePortal in Clinton County
Click below for a video on
CarePortal in general