Lathrop First Christian Church
Disciples of Christ

Jack & Amber
Trail Missions - African Missionaries
Our Mission is defined in our motto, "Find Them, Train Them, Send Them." We find the lost, teach them the Word of God, and then send them to go reach others.
The heartbeat of this ministry is to reach the unreached people groups with the Gospel beginning in Zambia and then to the outermost parts of the world. Once we’ve found them, we disciple them in the Word to help them grow and train them how they can be effective ministers. This includes training them in our Bible school that teaches the Word of God as well as practical life skills like farming, masonry, carpentry and other life skills. After their training we send them out to go plant churches and fulfill what God has called them to do.
Through traveling, we have come realize that most people we meet either don’t know who Jesus is or don’t know that He is the only way to God. Not only this but so many people are bound by witchcraft, fear, addictions, poverty, and sickness. Our goal is to see their minds and lives renewed with the Word of God and be able to teach others what they have learned.
Who is Amber? Amber was born in Missouri. As a young child she received Jesus as her Savior and always faithful to church. One Sunday a lady came and spoke to her, saying, "Missionary girl, come here!" After that Amber went to a 2 year Bible School and from there went with Teen Mania on her first mission trip. On her 2 month trip she went to a rural area in Namibia. After the people received Jesus they asked, “but when you go who will teach me.” After much prayer Amber decided to return to do ministry with a heart not only to see people saved but a ministry to teach the Word of God.
Who is Jack? Jack lost her parents at a young age and ended up staying with his grandfather who love the rural area and would go out and evangelize and start churches. After receiving Jesus he would help his grandfather. This same Grandfather took care of Amber as a young missionary as she would travel out to preach in the rural villages, he allowed her to stay at his lodge for free.
Who are they? Jack with the heart of an Evangelist and Amber with the love to disciple; they started Trail Missions.