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Lathrop First Christian Church
Disciples of Christ
The First Christian Church of Lathrop, Missouri, was organized on the second Sunday in June 1870 by Elder Joseph Waller. At that time, services were held in store buildings, halls and frequently the congregation met in the Presbyterian and Congregational Church buildings.
In 1874 a wooden structure, which sat on the site of the current brick building, was completed at the cost of $2,000. The congregation was able to worship in their own church building. The current brick building was completed and dedicated on June 4, 1916.
In the summer of 2003, the congregation broke ground on a new addition to the church. The addition, was built to the west and south part of the existing building for more than $600,000 It was dedicated on September 26, 2004. The celebration of the mortgage burning was after church on August 24, 2014.
In 1916 The Young Ladies Guild was organized for the purpose of raising fund to purchase and organ for the church. A goal of $2,500 was set. Through private donations and a contribution from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation, the organ was purchased, installed and dedicated on December 7,1916.
The organ is a Kilgen organ, which was made by the Kilgen organ Company of St. Louis. The organ was a two-manual model, had 10 steps and contained 846 pipes. The voicing, tone and etc. were tuned to the acoustics of the auditorium.
In the 1970's a church member, Chuck Eames, used his talents to enhance and restore the organ so it was able to continue to be used during worship services.
In 1995 the Mass Rowe-Cathedral Chimes were donated by the Jaynes family as a dedication in memory of Gertrude Enoi Foo Jaynes.
The Kilgen Organ is still in beautiful condition and can be heard on Sunday mornings and at special celebrations.
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